Monday, August 5, 2013

New area

Laranjeiras‏ is kind of a funny name for a city and I haven't discovered the link to oranges yet. Generally people here are wealthier than in Manacapuru and most of the members have cars.

A few zones visited the temple at the same time Wednesday and I found sisters Riding, Prater, Decker, Jensen, and Guyer along with Elder Robinson and we had a little reunion. On a personal note, their accents are hideous and it hurts to listen to them. I can hear my own accent and it is killing me.

We walk around in the sun a lot and I am tired all the time, but that will get better I hope. We didn't baptize this week so that was a bummer even though we were working like crazy.

There is an enormous 15 year old we are teaching who kind of looks like my CTM companion.
We taught a 13 year old girl who smokes and she's had more girlfriends than me and my companion put together, which isn't saying much but still.

My zone leader is a really cool guy and he teaches anyone and everyone, baptized 50 people in a week by working really hard.

There are a lot of people who speak limited English and I am quite popular for being able to speak fluently. Also for being red all the time.

Anyway that’s all good.
Hope everyone is well,


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