Monday, October 27, 2014

Snow Birds coming back

Hey everybody,
It’s great to have the "winter weather." My companion is finally realizing why people move to Florida in the first place. All the "snow birds" are coming back into town and they are clogging up the roads, the stores, the tourist attractions. It feels great to bike though so that's all worth it. I'm afraid I saw a crack in my helmet that I think was from my crash in early July so I went out and got another helmet. They say they're only good for one solid hit and that was a pretty solid hit.
We got a senior missionary couple last week and they are super helpful. They’re from fountain green Utah and they are helping organize the little branch that we have formed some 20 miles south of our location. They are great for fellowshipping and rides and that's all we need.
So we've got this investigator of ours who is an older gentleman and a former policeman and mayor. He’s an interesting character but I think we can get him baptized. He is candid in his comments with us and tried to come to church last week but got lost on his way over here even though he's been here before. He has a large collection of knives and model cars that he makes and most of the time he sits at home and watches Bonanza or something. our recent convert Kathy has been taking care of elderly people her whole life so when Willard asked if we knew anyone who could help him do some cleaning we suggested her and she has been on his case about coming to church and even brought him last week.
I recently borrowed the Frozen soundtrack from the library (which I think is okay). I have been listening to it basically non-stop for 4 days and it's driving my companion a little crazy mostly because he likes bluegrass and yodeling which I never really got into. It is a serious addiction. I am interested in the storyline though if you guys have seen it and could give me a summary that would be awesome.
We got to go to the trunk-or-treat our ward had on Saturday and the elders all dressed up with superman shirts underneath our white shirts and safety pinned the white shirts open. it was pretty fun but I only got like 4 pieces of candy so that was a major disappointment though I did get to throw a boomerang that actually came all the way around and I caught it again. Fun times and we saw some cool costumes.
we should be getting a new car here in a week or two which is probably when I will be leaving this area so that kind of sucks but who knows we'll see.
Thanks so much for all the pictures everyone! Jackson should know that I am very disappointed that he got an iPhone but other than that I love you guys!

Elder Willard

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