Monday, March 30, 2015

Riding Bikes

Hello Willard family! 
I have been doing really well here in Belleview. I feel like every day is just a little too similar to the last couple days though. The time is really flying by and hitting the two-year mark was kind of strange. The members here are still helping us as much as they can and for the last two weeks we've had more nonmembers brought by the members then we've been able to bring to sacrament meeting which is a good problem to have. We should be participating in a YSA FHE activity tonight at the church which will involve some volleyball and nonmembers/recent converts/less actives which will be awesome! Recently we've been kind of short on miles with the car so we been forced to bike for the last two or three days and I didn't realize how out of the habit I've got. My seat is really starting to hurt me but it shouldn't be too much longer, we'll start driving again. I did manage to pop a bike tire already. I think I'll have to wait until next transfer to decide what to do with my bike. I might end up going to an area where I'll need it so we'll have to play that one by ear.

On Sunday afternoon we went to go help the priests deliver the sacrament to a few people since there was only one priest there and I didn't realize how much I missed blessing the sacrament until I had a chance. One of our investigators went to New York early this morning and we are able to have a lesson with her yesterday over Skype and she was really impressed. She always thought the technology was kind of used lesson you know like old people do but she said that using Skype to talk about religion and reading the Book of Mormon helped her to realize that this is a gift from God. It reminds me of a quote I heard from Philo T Farnsworth who apparently invented television he was a member of the church in Idaho he said television is a gift from God and those who use it will be accountable to him. I thought that was a pretty intimidating statement but I like it a lot. It seems like most of my knowledge is coming from that John by the way CD collection I got at the beginning of my mission. On the gospel library under the Mormon messages section in the videos there's just more iMessage called the refiners fire. It's been out for a while but they didn't put it on the gospel library until a few days ago and I just love it. I've probably watched it 10-15 times. 

I'm really excited for general conference and will be weird because it's my last one but I'm sure there's going to be something to console me and my affliction. When is Mother's Day by the way? I'm looking forward to Skypeing being for that last time but I hope you guys don't just talk about how you're going to see me in a little while cause that's no good. I've been noticing a lack of mail over the past three or four months. I do hope that there's going to be some love shown here in the next couple weeks but hey I don't make the rules. I hope this email is long enough I'm using the speech recognition thing and I'm a little too lazy to put in paragraph breaks I hope you'll be able to determine the changes in thought but if not then that's okay too.
Thanks for the emails everybody. I love you guys!

Elder Willard

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