Monday, June 10, 2013

Slimming down in the heat

Not much to report for this week, pretty slow.

It turns out I can speak the Portuguese I know pretty easily, but if I try to talk to anyone my tiny vocabulary is very apparent. It's getting better all the time but everyone is saying that summer is about to arrive which only means that we don't have rain with the heat.

I have been washing my clothes by hand for over a month now and I think it's better.

I’ve lost about 30 pounds since I left home so that makes walking easier.

Our landlord really likes missionaries because they don't cause problems and he took us to his other house for a visit today. It’s right on the coast of the River Solimões, but some 400 feet above sea level. Incredible view and we ate some enormous fish.

I gave a talk in church about temples and it was surprisingly easy to put everything together. I think it went over very well.

I ran into Sister Riding at a meeting with a 100 or so other missionaries and she seemed to be quite delighted. It was great to see her again; she was the only American sister there of 12 and we exchanged some broken Portuguese before saying goodbye.

Everyone talks about the missionaries that leave early, but that just doesn't work for me. No matter how hot or difficult it's been that has never occurred to me as an option. I’m here to work and that's what I’ll be doing for the next two years.

Nothing to complain about,

Elder Willard

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