Monday, July 15, 2013

Hospital tests

So, the week started with a surprise, we went back to Manaus to do an exam, but no one told me or my companion that they would be attaching several wires to my body and that I could not sweat or shower for 24 hours. Incidentally I used too much of my money on a battery they said I needed and then did not use insomuch that I was left with insufficient funds to return to our area. As a result I did not eat, we walked in the sun instead of using the bus system. We had to borrow 5 reals from our zone leader because my companion spent over 250 reals in less than a week, and I had to pay his fare.

But it's all good now. So they found a small rock somewhere near my diaphragm and they are going to pulverize it with lasers sometime in August.

We've got a really promising family in our area. Moderately wealthy, public servant, has his own car, wants to learn English, and the craziest thing, HE'S ALREADY MARRIED!! His name is Wilker and we taught him with our bishop which is very special and we gave a blessing to his little 8-year-old. Incredible experience, he asked all the right questions and I’m confident I’ll see his baptism.
Everything is just right. I can easily converse with the Brazilians without thinking about it and we have no trouble baptizing. Had three more this week.

Hope everyone is doing as good as me right now,

Elder Willard

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