Monday, June 30, 2014

Busy working

I finally got caught in a storm! We knocked on a lady's house, she didn't answer and then BAM! I could barely see or breathe! Lightning was striking all around us and we made it to an overhang at a Walgreens but the wind was still blowing ferociously and the rain kept pounding us. We had to call a member to come rescue us. It was awesome!
The past week involved a lot of biking so we were late almost everywhere. The wind is killer, me and my companion struggle to go faster than 3 or 4 mph. it seems that whenever we stop at stoplights there is someone turning right who is supposed to yield to pedestrian traffic but they don't always look. I always just walk into the crosswalk anyway though and just think of the Joker, "C’mon, hit me. Hit me! HIT ME! Most of them, veer into the other lane or hit the brakes.
We did manage to find a lot of interested people. I practiced teaching in Spanish on the doorstep of one woman who kept saying "tan lindo". Another woman flagged us down as we were biking past and asked if we could come over soon to share our message, a friend of hers just died and she is going through some hard times. There are some prepared people out there.
we had a lesson with one of our most promising investigators but we were unable to find a male member to get us there and there was no other way to do it (she lives so far away it would take a couple hours to bike down there) we had to cancel and she was very upset. I felt super guilty so I bought her a card and wrote her a note. She called us the next day and told me it was the sweetest note she had ever gotten and she was looking forward to meeting with us next week. Suffice to say we called a member and set up the ride immediately. I know what the ladies like. Don’t worry, she's 65.
I have recently been reading the book of Mormon again and some of the prophecies of Isaiah have new meaning to me. There is a prophecy about how men and women will enter the "mountain" of the lord and by "shaking hands" enter the kingdom of god. It's pretty exciting. I also noticed a while ago that in 2 Nephi when the lord is rebuking those that say "a Bible, a Bible!" there is a prophecy that the Nephites will have the bible and the Jews, the Book of Mormon and that there will be another record held by the lost tribes that will come forth and we will have our fifth standard work! Neal a Maxwell talks about it in the institute manual. Woot!
Thanks so much for your e-mails and I know that I need to do a better job of writing more interesting things and more of them. Thanks so much for the birthday package as well all the cars have auxiliary capabilities so I can plug in an mp3 player that way.

Love you guys,

Elder Willard

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